Treasurer's Report to the Freemen of Oxford Year to 31st December 2019

Author: Simon Gibbs

As forecast in my report last year, the savings to the “Oxford Freemen” distribution costs have had a significant effect on the financial results for the year. The accounts show a surplus of £439 compared to the deficit of £353 incurred in 2018. This is almost entirely due to a reduction in the printing and postage costs as many members have opted to receive electronic copies of the Journal – a saving of £860.

Otherwise, little has changed!

Our grazing permits remained fully let in 2019, and we also receive income from the Oxford Anglers for the right to fish from the banks of the Meadow, although this annual fee was outstanding at the end of the year, The Oxford Model Flying Club continue to make a donation for the right to use the Meadow for their activities.

After the costs of “The Oxford Freemen”, the second largest expense item is the Honoraria paid to various Officers who act in their own time on behalf of the Freemen at large. The cost shown is not quite as extravagant as it may look as a large part of this was actually donated back to the Freemen’s funds.

The Expenditure on “Entertainments/Hospitality” represents the cost of providing meals for guests at the St George’s Day lunch. Top table guests at the annual dinner are covered, with a bit to spare, by the raffle. Both events are organised by Bryan Keen.

We continue to promote the Freemen’s Apprentice Awards which John Sanders organises for us. These awards are viewed as a major way in which the Freemen can raise their profile within the City. After last year’s ceremony we paid for six shields to be presented at future years’ ceremonies. The cost of these are shown within the “Stock” figure on our Balance Sheet.

There was no cost for the provision of a wreath at the Remembrance Day Ceremony this year as our Chairman kindly donated this on the Freemen’s behalf.

Yet again we are indebted to Greene King, suppliers to the Plough, Wolvercote, the venue for the annual Aunt Sally match, which follows the annual inspection of Port Meadow. The Company continues to kindly provide the beer and, thus, allow us to host this event at no cost to ourselves.

The Balance Sheet reflects the overall surplus achieved of £438 with an increase in our overall funds from £49.988 to £50,426.

Freemen Income & Expenditure 2019.pdf
Freemen Balance Sheet 2019.pdf