Treasurer's Report to the Freemen of Oxford

Year to 31st December 2021

Author: Simon Gibbs

I enclose a copy of the accounts of the Oxford Freemen for the year.

Some semblance of normality returned in 2021 but this was still an atypical year. No Freemen’s Awards Ceremony was held nor any annual dinner.

Our grazing permits remained fully let in 2021, and we also receive income from the Oxford Anglers for the right to fish from the banks of the Meadow. However, having paid up to date in 2020 they have again fallen into arrears and, at the time of writing, still owe for 2021. The Oxford Model Flying Club continue to make a donation for the right to use the Meadow for their activities. Donations remained at a constant level for which we again thank all our donors.

After the costs of “The Oxford Freemen”, which were reduced by 10%, The second largest expense item is usually the Honoraria paid to various Officers who act in their own time on behalf of the Freemen at large. However, due the number of events that have had to be cancelled over the past couple of years, the officers decided against paying any amount this year.

2021 Accounts.pdf

The Council organised a “Franchise Walk”, revising an historical tradition of “Riding the Franchise” but which had not been conducted since 1984 (Reported in the Autumn edition of “The Oxford Freemen”) The Freemen who attended the event made a small contribution towards the overall costs.

So, less transactions than usual and the non payment of Honoraria nor Awards Ceremony costs, despite the contribution to the Franchise Walk, meant that we achieved a surplus of £443, compared to £52 in 2020.

The Balance Sheet reflects this surplus with an increase in our overall funds from £50,478 to £50,921 The increase in debtors reflects the amount due from the Oxford Anglers.