Admission Ceremony

Author: Howard Crapper

What a memorable evening in March when the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor hosted this magnificent twin ceremony in the Old Library. We were blessed by the Sheriff in charge of inducting four young applicants through the vital swearing in section of the Oath. Very pleased to say I could hear each new person clearly reciting this age old Oath which included phrases such as not purloining muniments and to avow no foreign goods as my own.

The Town Hall produces the most brilliant certificates of Admission. Our Chairman welcomed the new Freemen with an introduction to the history and ongoing pledges to the safe keeping of Port Meadow.

The new Freemen admitted are:

Lapel badges are available on request at cost and Freemen ties are available from Sheppard and Woodward upon proof of Admission. Our thanks to the Town Hall and Lord Mayor for the provision of memorable refreshments.