The Chairman Writes
From: 157 Spring 2023
Author: Howard Crapper
Welcome to a very special year.
By the time you read this we shall be in the Spring and the Coronation within touching distance.
The BBC have been describing how the ancient chair has been getting a clean up. There was I thinking it was a throne. Gold leaf will not be replaced as the scratched out graffiti is considered part of the history of the 750 year old chair. The Stone of Destiny or Stone of Scone will be brought from Scotland and placed in the fabric of the chair and the seat covering this from sight. The entire chair will be elevated on staging at the front of Westminster Abbey ready for May 6th.
A new Monarch. God save the King. Charles the 3rd has already made his mark and has travelled to every part of his kingdom. He has personally greeted thousands of his country men and women. I wish him well. His mother, Queen Elizabeth 2nd, was magnificent. New music has been composed for this very occasion.
Before this splendour we have St Georges Day with our Service at St Michaels at the North Gate on 23rd April. Our procession will arrive in Corn Street at 10:25 am from the Town Hall. We are always made most welcome.
Following the Service we have arranged a two course roast lunch at the former Mitre in the High St. The premises have reopened as a branch of Gustos. Having been inside there recently, I can say it looks identical to when we last visited. It is essential that bookings are made in advance using the enclosed form.

I hope to see you in the coming weeks and also at the midsummer Meadow inspection with the new Sheriff and Aunt Sally game later!
The Annual Dinner held last December at The Perch.was deemed a great success. So much so that we are repeating this exciting event. We are indebted to Alison and Steve Cobb for the creation, preparation, and serving of the Canapes with superb hospitality at their nearby home. Make it a date.