Freemen Insights

Author: Monica Gregory

Three years ago I became a Freeman. It was important to me as my family are long-standing Freemen. When asked if I wanted to be admitted to the Freedom I knew there would be hurdles to jump, because I was adopted by my Stepfather. I had to apply for my original birth certificate.

I didn’t initially grasp my family’s connection to the well known Olive Gibbs, who I later discovered  was my granddads cousin. My son is also now a Freeman.

I live in Oxford and love every opportunity I can get to visit Port Meadow. It is my place to go, and so good for my well-being, but it does make me sad when I see rubbish left behind by inconsiderate visitors. We must be so grateful for the hard work the Park Ranger and his team at the City Council put in looking after the Meadow on a daily basis, and keeping it clear for the animals and us!

I was happy to take the Freemen’s oath and to uphold our values. I pride myself in doing as much as I can for my community. I work for the Gatehouse charity ( who have supported the homeless and vulnerably housed of Oxford since 1988. We operate an open door basis from our drop-in community centre in Woodstock Road, offering free showers, clothes, counselling and a lived experience forum.

I have also just established a residents association where I live, and have recently joined the Freemen’s committee which I have found really interesting.