The Chairman Writes

Author: Peter Smith

It’s been an interesting few months since my Spring edition update. I participated in the traditional St George’s Day procession and Civic Service on 21st April. Although there very few Freemen present this year, the procession, led by the bearer of the Charles II era Lord Mayor’s silver-gilt mace,  still turned a few eyes as we progressed down Cornmarket to St Michael at the North Gate church. A well attended service ensued which I was very impressed by, in particular the excellent choir. I was asked to read the Second Lesson (from the First Epistle of St Peter, chapter 2) which benefited from a little practice beforehand.

On 24th April I attended the AGM of the Wolvercote Commoners Committee and introduced myself to the newly elected Chair, Simon Lowry. We are resurrecting working with the City and WCC on the still outstanding but important Management Plan for both Meadow and Common. On 16th May I represented the Freemen at the election to the Lord Mayoralty and appointment to the Shrievalty. The new Sheriff is Cllr James Fry.

On the 21st June, the Friday closest to the summer solstice, the annual Inspection of the Meadow took place. It was a lovely evening and in the absence of the Meadow Ranger, I led an informal tour around the northern half of the Meadow highlighting some of the history. The Inspection duly completed to the new Sheriff’s satisfaction, we then followed that up with the traditional Aunt Sally match at the nearby Plough between the Freemen and Civic team. I thoroughly enjoyed this introduction to the game and many thanks again to Chris Cox who organised it so effectively. I didn’t embarrass myself too much thank goodness!

I am hoping the four yearly inspection of the City wall in New College will go ahead this autumn, in which case I plan to represent the Freemen at that. Chris, our Vice Chair, will represent us at the Remembrance Sunday event in Oxford and the laying of our wreath at the memorial in St Giles. We then have our annual meal at the Vincents Club in Oxford on 13th December – a date for your diaries. More of that later in the journal. Please do make the effort if you can to attend this, as it is a special venue not open to wider public. The more the merrier!