The Chairman Writes
From: 146 Autumn 2017
Author: Howard Crapper
My wife Shirley and I have just returned from the 51st Freemen of England and Wales AGM held in glorious Pembroke. We elected a new President in Mr Jim Evans from Berwick upon Tweed. I must have known Jim for thirty years and what he does not know about Freemen is probably not worth knowing.
We enjoyed a wonderful welcome, great food and lovely company.
Among the added attractions were the 27 person Pembroke Male voice Choir who are vying for top choir at the Royal Albert Hall in the Spring. We were also fortunate to have a visit to the Flying Boat Centre which was opened by the Queen a few years ago. Flying boats were used to find Uboats in the last war. The Banquet was a grand affair with many local dignitaries attending including the Bishop for St David.
On the Sunday we processed to St Marys Church for a Freemen Service led by the Bishop. Later we enjoyed a buffet lunch provided by the Town Council and where thanks and farewells were exchanged. We also witnessed the exchange of the host patron to the Freemen of Warwick where next years gathering will take place. So make a note in your diary and find this magnificent friendship found among all our Freemen from around England and Wales. The big news is that the Charted Freemen of Gloucester have offered to host the meeting in 2019. So two near neighbours in quick succession. No excuses for being too far away - so come along for an unforgettable experience.
Autumn brings our Annual Dinner into the frame and I do encourage you to sign up today. Brilliant location with huge free car park. We are so fortunate to get full civic support. I can tell you that other nearby Freemen groups are asking about this event. Please send the reply slip back to our wonderful Entertainment Secretary. I look forward to meeting you there.
Thank you to you all who gave toward the WW1 Port Meadow Airfield appeal. The Appeal Committee have now ordered the Memorial and installation is due in early 2018 and plans are being made for an official unveiling in May neat year. An announcement will be made in our Spring Journal and pasted on our website.
The Freemen obtained good press coverage from their Apprentice Awards earlier this year. We are so grateful to fellow Freeman John Sanders for shouldering the bulk of this fantastic organisation and celebrate that the scheme gets larger each year.
The Freemen are a huge part of the Heritage of Oxford. The Freemen ran the town for over 600 years until 1835.