From the Editor
From: 147 Spring 2017
Author: Geoff Gibbs
Producing the last issue of the journal was incredibly educational for me. Among other things I learned that some of our contact details were out of date and that the printing and distribution of the journal is one of the major costs for the Freeman.
In an effort to ensure details are up to date, and potentially reduce mailing costs, it was decided at the last committee meeting to survey the Freemen for their current contact details and to confirm they still wish to receive a printed copy of the journal, as opposed to a digital copy.
This survey will be included with this, and the next, issue of the Journal. There is also an online version, if you prefer. It is really important that as many Freemen as possible complete this survey, as from next year’s Spring issue (#149) only those who have explicitly requested a printed copy will have one sent to them. So be sure to encourage any other Freemen you know to fill it out too.
As ever, if you have any articles or suggestions for future issues of the Journal, please send them to me to by e-mail at or by post to 28 Little Bury, Oxford. OX4 7UG