New Interpretation Boards for Port Meadow?

Author: Susanna Pressel

It has been the intention of both the Freemen’s Committee and the City Council, for many years, to replace the old Walton Well Road interpretation board and the existing Godstow car park board (which is extremely worn and barely legible) and to introduce new ones at the other main public access points onto the Meadow -- at the Bailey Bridge (footfall from the Thames Path) and at Aristotle Lane.

The City Council are planning to deliver this aspiration in two phases, Walton Well Road and Godstow Rd first, and then the other two locations at a later date. A designer has been identified who has some exciting ideas about the content and how it can be presented. There will be two A1- size boards side-by-side, set in a landscape format. They will each have bespoke content, highlighting key historic and modern features, as viewed from each location. They might have a slightly 3D feel to them, which should be very appealing as well as informative.

The boards will be of durable construction, with the City Council responsible for all ongoing costs that may arise. It is towards the initial cost that the City have sought a Freemen’s contribution.

The Freemen’s Committee discussed this request at its first in-person Town Hall meeting in two years, which was held in March. They felt that supporting these boards is exactly the type of project/expenditure for which the Freemen have accumulated funds. They were happy to agree to make a one-off contribution of £2,400 towards the £7,600 cost of the first phase, with the two locations. The City Council has a budget allocation of £3,300, so there is a small shortfall that I can make up from my ward councillor budget. Developer contributions might be pursued towards the cost of the second phase, but the focus now is on delivering phase one.

The Committee is very supportive of this long overdue project, unfortunately impacted by the pandemic, after having gained some momentum in early 2020 through the Port Meadow and Wolvercote Common Management Group. We hope these important boards will be erected during 2022. A further update will be given in the next edition of this Journal. We look forward to the unveiling ceremony!