The Boast of Oxford

A future book on the history of Port Meadow

Author: Peter Smith 

Dr Graham Harding - University of Oxford History Faculty Associate - is working on a mostly social history of Oxford’s Port Meadow and would appreciate your help.

The Freemen’s association goes back to the time of Alfred the Great but, as Graham highlights, the Meadow’s story goes back almost half a million years. It’s been the site of battles - real and mock - and royal escapes. It’s been fought over in the law courts, on punts and in council meetings. It’s also been the venue for every form of entertainment from cricket and quoits to horse races and rock concerts.

We have featured articles on the aviation history and Bailey bridge recently in this journal.

Dr Harding’s focus now is on what the Meadow has meant to the people of Oxford over the last couple of centuries. He is looking for your and your family stories (past and present) and invites you to share them for his developing book, which should be an interesting read!

I’m happy to collate any responses and pass them on. Please send anything to Peter at or post to 16 Arthur Street. Oxford, OX2 0AS.