Annual Aunt Sally Match

Author: Chris Cox

On a fine sunny Solstice day, the annual Aunt Sally match between the Sheriff’s team and the Freemen of the City of Oxford took place at The Plough, Wolvercote. The social event was very well attended, with lots of players on both sides. The Freemen won 2-1 from three legs, together with the Tankard. The Sheriff’s team scored well, winning the 3rd leg. The scores for the three legs were Oxford Freemen  13/16/12,  the Sheriff’s team  6/14/15.

Phil Clarke won the Coffin with the Femur by being the highest scoring Freeman with a score of 2/3/1, and he also had a play-off with our chairman Peter Smith, and Chris Cox , for the Norman Cox memorial shield for the highest Freeman score in one leg). Chris Cox won it beating Peter by three dolls to two.

The Sheriff’s shield for the highest scoring Sheriff’s player, was won by Mike Hurley beating Lewis Milton in a play-off.

Once again we have to thank everyone for turning up, with 15 players each and lots of spectators. The Cox family had 4 generations there! We also must thank Greene King for the free beer, landlord Tim and his staff at The Plough  for hosting us and all their help.

Freemen’s Team Sheriff’s Team
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
Peter 1 2 X James 2 1 X
Dan 2 1 2 Morgan X X X
Phil 2 3 1 Josh X X 1
John 1 2 1 Lewis 1 X 4
Kev X X X Mark X 2 3
Chris X 2 3 Tiago X X X
Pete 1 X X Mike X 3 2
Ellen 1 1 X Aidrian 1 X 1
Mark H 1 X X Mark C X X 1
Trevor 2 X 1 Jim 1 2 1
Jason 1 X 1 Zia 1 1 1
Steve X X 1 Ben X 2 1
Adrian X 2 X Gary X 3 X
Monica 1 1 2 Zanthe X X X
Charlie X 1 X Lewis X X X

Totals 13 16 12 Totals 6 14 15
Won 1 1 X Won X X 1