There was again a very festive welcome at the Kirtlington Golf Club for our 3rd Annual Dinner at this venue. The weather was fine and dry, no frost to freeze up the car windscreens, and there was plenty of room in the large car park.

This year 43 attended the dinner and our invited guests included The Lord Mayor, The Lady Mayoress, The Sheriff of Oxford and the Sheriff’s Escort, who were joined on the Top Table by Howard Crapper, our Chairman, and his wife, Shirley.

(Picture courtesy of Gloucester Freemen)

We had Freemen from Gloucester, Berwick upon-Tweed and Coventry also attending the dinner.

Everyone enjoyed the dinner with half opting for the turkey and the remainder having either the salmon fillet or the vegetarian dish. The meal was finished off with tea and coffee, with mince pies and mint chocolates.

There were three speakers - the Lord Mayor, Mohammed Altaf-Khan, who managed a few words despite suffering a heavy cold, the Sheriff, Susan Brown, gave a speech which included what she had done during the year. Finally, Howard Crapper rounded things off and left the audience enjoying his remark that “sometimes you have to talk to yourself to get expert advice!”

A vote of thanks was recorded to the caterers and to Bryan Keen for organising the dinner and raffle.