The Chairman Writes
From: 149 Spring 2019
Author: Howard Crapper
I would like you to place Saturday 21st September 2019 in your diary. It is the Freemen of England and Wales AGM being held in the historic and near neighbour of Gloucester.
You may recall that the Freemen of Gloucester come to our Annual Dinner and we are good friends. They are hosting this years meeting and I would like to see you there and make Oxford the focus of how local guilds support each other. There will be an optional opportunity later in the afternoon to a VIP visit to Gloucester’s historic docks. For those staying overnight, accommodation will be available at The Chase Hotel. On Sunday there will be a parade to the marvellous Gloucester Cathedral for our Freemen Service.
The FEW offer a series of papers on the origins and workings of the Freemen. Essential reading for anyone wanting to learn more about our heritage.
The Freemen evolved in the mists of time during the Anglo Saxon era. Men who showed prominent capability of organising events in the community were seen as leaders. Age sometimes had a bearing as experience was essential. The term older man became Alderman. A natural progression of this was skilled men who ran labour intensive businesses for example, as leather tanning or shop keepers, were also viewed as Freemen. The era of serfs being enslaved to the Lord of the Manor began to fade and settlements became townships. The Freemen began the early form of local government and organising and enforcing local laws, roads and drainage, education, health, weights and measures etc. Only Freemen could vote – a practice which continued up to 1835. Each township had its own rules and laws, as they were peculiar to local demands. Gloucester Freemen are keen that I let you know of a special offer for Freemen in MAY this year. Just present evidence of your Freedom by way of lapel badge or identity card or photo of your admission and free entry will be given by way of wrist band to this exciting Tall Ships event.
Jason Smith CEO of Marketing Gloucester and Freeman of Gloucester
“It is with great pleasure that we are able to offer ALL Freemen and Women free entry to the 2019 Gloucester Tall Ships and Adventure Festival 25th to 27th May. This exciting family event is going to be bigger and better this year, with Tall Ships, Family Zones, Three musical Stages, Sea Shanties, Free entry to two museums, a real jet pack demonstration and much more. A single free entry wristband worth £10 can be gained by those wearing their Guild Lapel Badge and going to North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester where they will be registered.” The North Warehouse is one of the first buildings you will see as you approach the Docks from the City and opposite the old Prison site
I hope to see you at the St George’s Day Service on April 22nd and the Port Meadow Inspection on June 22nd. Take care.